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Accessories needed during the liturgy in church


The liturgy plays a fundamental role in the life of the Catholic Church, expressing the communal participation of the faithful in the mystery of salvation. Since ancient times it has meant a “public service”, which underlines its collective and sacred character. In this practice, the Church unites the faithful in a common experience of the sacraments, celebrating the mystery of Christ through rites and prayers deeply rooted in the Holy Scripture and Christian tradition.

What is liturgy?

In the Catholic Church, liturgy is the fundamental manifestation of community worship, bringing the faithful together to celebrate the mystery of salvation. It is based on the community's participation in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In every liturgical celebration Christ is present in the sacramental sign of the Eucharist, in the Word of God and in the assembly of the faithful. The central moment of the Catholic liturgy is the Sacrifice of Holy Mass, in which the faithful offer praise and thanksgiving to God and receive the sacrament of the Eucharist.

The Holy Mass includes the Liturgy of the Word, which contains the biblical readings, the homily and the General Intercessions, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, in which the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. But the liturgy is not limited to the Holy Mass. It also includes the Liturgy of the Hours, which is the daily prayer of priests and consecrated persons, and other sacraments such as baptism, marriage and the sacrament of reconciliation.

Accessories used during mass

During the liturgy of the Catholic Church, a variety of accessories play an important role in the dignified celebration of mass. Each piece of liturgical equipment is an expression of respect for the sacrament of the Eucharist and reflects the deep symbolism of Christian worship.

The central element of the Eucharistic liturgy is the chalice. It is in the chalice that the wine becomes the Blood of Christ during the consecration. High quality metals, such as gold or silver, ensure that the importance of the sacrament is dignified. The chalice is accompanied by a paten, a flat metal stand on which the host is placed. Its function is to catch any particles of the Eucharistic Bread.

A censer, also known as a thurible, is used to incense the altar, the Gospel Book, the gifts, the priest and the faithful. The smoke of the incense symbolises the prayers of the faithful ascending to heaven. Equally important is the incense boat, which holds the fragrant mixture.

The monstrance is used to present the Blessed Sacrament for adoration. Often decorated with gold, silver and precious stones, it symbolises the royal majesty of Christ. A ciborium, on the other hand, is a vessel for holding consecrated bread. It is closed and resembles a chalice, but with a wider bowl.

Cruets, two small glass vessels, contain the wine and water used in the preparation of the gifts. They are placed on a credence along with a lavabo, a small jug of water, and a liturgical towel for the priest to wash his hands.

Liturgical books, such as the Roman Missal and the Lectionary, contain the texts of the prayers and readings for each liturgical day. The processional cross, carried by the priest as he enters the altar, symbolises the presence of Christ.

Each piece of liturgical equipment is carefully selected and maintained to fully honour the sacredness of the Holy Mass. The symbolism and attention to detail make the liturgy an expressive sign of the mystery of faith, inviting the faithful to a deeper experience of the mystery of the Eucharist.

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I wish the package was more protected. Not only in a thin plastic bag.
Thank you. They are all good.